Maxwell Roughan: Everything is Happening All at Once, Everywhere.

Maxwell Rogue. Rainfall Taxi.

Monday, November 23, 2015

@ the video max on raymond in fullerton.

this is fucking ridiculous. a large white spray-painted arrow on the ground pulled my black german sedan into the parking lot & the next thing i know i'm eating a charbroiled hamburger for breakfast, getting my spine adjusted by a chiropractor, redeeming a voucher, shaaron is making me beautiful in her salon, i'm getting a tattoo of a melting clock & guernica & seven new piercings in my face, i'm ordering 3 damn tacos for $1.59 each, i'm buying the fucking video rental place because it already has my name on it & before i speed away, i stop at the liquor store, buy a pack of filterless red Nat Sherman cigarillos & a six-pac of Mickey's Bigmouth beer, stopping by the sign in this picture again, opening my trunk to throw the red tattoo sign on the ground inside because i think it's kind of cool & pulling out of the parking lot as i unscrew a Mickey's in front of a police car in my rear view mirror. it's 9:30 am. i light a Nat Sherman & go see what my woman is up to.